Author: admin

June 2021

June 2021

On June 5, the Museum Hall was finally allowed to open to visitors! On 5 June, the Museum Hall was finally allowed to open and the first visitors could watch the DOMBURG SPECIAL I Photo Exhibition and the two non-stop video presentations. Among them some of the exhibitors. Like the sculpture garden, the exhibition was…

From 03.07.2022 till 12.03.2023

STUBBORN AND STURDY – THE PATH OF JO KOSTER AND DORA KOCH-STETTER That the Dutch Jo Koster and the German Dora Stetter both have been connected to a variety of European Artists’ Colonies, is clearly expressed in their work. In a beautiful survey of – inter alia – in Domburg, Staphorst, Heeze, Knokke en Ahrenshoop…

May 2021

May 2021

A next step in the visibility of the Museum and a Toorop donation. A next step in the visibility of the Museum was achieved on the street side; among other things, with texts referring to the Museum Domburg and its Tourist Information Point. The Museum received a great donation from a private collection: Jan Toorops Het…

April 2021

April 2021

  To accompany the Photo Exhibition DOMBURG SPECIAAL I, the MTVP Museum Domburg digitally presents a selection of some 140 special photos from the impressive oeuvre of Vincent Mentzel and a selection of more than 100 old photos and postcards of Domburg from the collection of the ICEAC CFVV ( and from private collections.

March 2021

March 2021

The opening of the Spring Exhibition should have taken place on March 6. The PZC newspaper was present for a preview. Unfortunately we are not allowed to be open to the public yet …

February 2021

February 2021

The adjustments for the new task are in full swing in the museum building. Tourists are welcomed at a separate counter. The set-up of the planned Photo Exhibition is almost complete.