A beautiful opening of the exhibition ‘Untitled. Ger de Greef’ on Saturday March 23.

After a welcome word from chairman Arnold van Houtum and an explanation from curator Francisca van Vloten, the alderman for recreation and tourism of the municipality of Veere, John de Jonge, spoke heart-warming opening words on this ice-cold afternoon, with the winter sun also making an appearance.

Just as the best wine tasting belongs to the vineyard itself, according to the alderman, the best art belongs to its place of origin, its source of inspiration and so the art anchored in Zeeland belongs in a micro view to the islands and waters of Zeeland and in a macro view to the many artists’ colonies in Europe, which have such a rich history and still show that art fraternizes (and sisters 🙂 ) and knows no boundaries.

Flowers for the sculptor Jan Kettelerij, whose 12 sculptures adorn the museum garden, for Corin van Agtmaal, the wife of the painter Ger de Greef, to whom the Spring Exhibition is dedicated, for alderman John de Jonge and for curator Francisca van Vloten who composed the exhibition.

Kudos to the Museum team, who again helped tremendously with everything. We are proud of you!

Explanation of the spring exhibitions